New England Healing & Freedom Center -Your Pathway to Being Whole

Our Mission

We wish to have multiple teams across New England, doing multiple events with multiple tents regionally. It’s not something we want to do alone but through collaborative, transformation teams. We believe small is the new big…the day of large events is coming to an end…like many of the large events they fade away into the distance. Lasting impact happens one on one dealing with the real stuff. Most in life have had tough blows happen. We help people get restored from such happenings.

Most spiritual things are taught today. We have a myriad of people teaching. Everywhere you look someone is online teaching you…but we have very little happening in the way of experience. We believe spiritual things are both taught and experienced.

Someone can argue spiritual theology all day long…trust us it’s happened on the street. But no one can take away something that personally happened to you or a loved one, especially when it has spiritual implications to a region.

Doing prayer tent ministry with friends is extremely fun. Who doesn’t love being at a street festival anyway? Why not make ministry fun by doing both at the same time.

All of our volunteers inside the tent get given a free Need Prayer? T-Shirt. It’s a great conversation starter and helps make a memorable impression when at festivals.

We’d love to work on getting people back to our barn/farm setting for worship nights as well to grow in their walk with God through workshops and instructional prayer ministry together.


Only God Would Know

"I received prayer at Concord Market days two times. Each for about 40 minutes. The second day into the tent I noticed a marked difference. Without going into great detail, my marriage is back together, I’m attending church and growing again. We are now in talks of growing our family.”

— Law, Received Prayer at Concord Market Days, Concord, NH


The day we ordered our T-Shirts online the company making them asked us to pray for them…they liked the shirts so much! Her mom was battling cancer. We got to offer hope and healing.